Quality Improvement Inspections
We can provide a mock Ofsted inspection carried out in line with the current Ofsted framework by one of our highly trained and experienced consultants over one day. The inspection will also include verbal feedback along with a written report and outcomes to follow after the inspection.
This is ideal for settings looking to get Ofsted ready, see how staff are going to react on an inspection day, or simply maintain standards within the Ofsted framework.
Quality Improvement packages
If there is not a package listed that is suitable for you then we can tailor
make a package to meet the needs of your setting.
All packages can be adapted based on the support you are looking for.
Package One - £770
Full day inspection looking at areas of practice, leadership and management, learning walk, and safeguarding with verbal feedback to the leadership and management team followed by a written report and outcome.
Package Two- £1,210
Full day inspection looking at areas of practice, leadership and management, learning walk and safeguarding with verbal feedback to the leadership and management team followed by a written report and outcome. A second inspection will then be carried out within six months, focusing on areas of development from the previous inspection and report.
Package Three- £1,540
Full day inspection looking at areas of practice, leadership and management, learning walk and safeguarding with verbal feedback to the leadership and management team followed by a written report and outcome. A second inspection will then be carried out within six months, focusing on areas of development from the previous inspection and report. there will also be access to a direct phone line to one of our consultants during the time period both during and between inspection one and two, within working hours, Monday to Friday to ask for advice or support in any of the areas discussed during the inspections.